Before getting into details on mastering anatomy and physiology, it is important to explain exactly what Anatomy and Physiology are and how they relate to each other.
Anatomy can be defined as a consideration of many structures making up the human organism. In layman’s language, anatomy is the study of parts of organisms i.e. the human body. Anatomy also studies how different parts of the body interact and work together. Anatomy is subdivided into two namely; Gross and microscopic anatomy.
Gross anatomy covers aspects of anatomy that can be seen by the naked eye while microscopic anatomy covers what can’t be seen by the naked eye i.e. tissues and cells of organisms. Anatomy is studied in a number of ways namely; visually, palpation (physical contact i.e. when a doctor taps your chest), dissection and using medical devices i.e. MRI scans and X-rays .
Physiology, on the other hand, refers to the study of how living things/organisms function. Physiology studies include; movement, reproduction and nutrition studies. Physiology usually involves studies on how different systems in the body interact i.e. how the muscular and skeletal systems interacts to produce movement.
How Is Anatomy Related To Physiology?
It is impossible to understand the physiology or organisms i.e. the human body without understanding the anatomy of human body. For instance, you can’t be able to understand how the lungs acquire oxygen from the air we breathe in without understanding the lung’s components i.e. the alveoli and the bronchial tree. This is precisely why the two subjects are related and have to be studied concurrently.
Mastering Anatomy And Physiology – Who Needs It?
Mastering anatomy and physiology is absolutely vital for anyone who works or intends to work in any medical related field. The extent of knowledge needed however depends on the field one is in. For instance, medical doctors need more detailed knowledge on anatomy and physiology than physical therapists. Other medical professionals or people in need of thorough anatomy and physiology knowledge include; chiropractors, therapists, nurses, paramedics, sports professionals, researchers and medical students but the list goes on and on.
The Human Anatomy & Physiology Course
Although there are many medical schools and institutions offering anatomy and physiology courses, such courses may not be ideal for everyone for obvious reasons i.e. cost, time and convenience. This is where online anatomy and physiology courses come in.
The Human Anatomy & Physiology Course is one of the best courses in the internet today and has been followed by tens of thousands and so, when it comes to mastering anatomy and physiology, it’s a proven resource that you can rely on. The course is the brainchild of a renowned doctor; James Ross.
Dr. James Ross prepared the course to help medical professionals and students learn everything they need to know about mastering anatomy and physiology in the fastest most convenient way possible. His course is ideal for medical professionals, medical students as well any other persons interested in gaining anatomy and physiology knowledge.
Why does the course stand out?
Dr. Ross’s course stands out from many other similar courses in the market today because of many reasons. First and foremost, the course covers tonnes of medical topics spanning over 3000 pages. The course has also won numerous awards. Also, each lesson in the course offers revision tests, key facts and solutions aimed at reinforcing learning as well as pinpointing weaknesses. The course also offers detailed illustrations. This makes the course very easy to understand. The course has also been simplified making it ideal for everyone including those outside the medical profession. According to numerous customer reviews online, you don’t need prior medical knowledge to understand the course.
The course also stands out for being compatible with all kinds of computers/handheld devices. You can download the course to any windows or Mac computer or tablet. You can also print the course if you like. In a nutshell, The Human Anatomy & Physiology Course is unmatched in regards to conveying complex anatomy and physiology information. The speed at which the course delivers is also unmatched considering it is possible to learn 15 years worth of anatomy and physiology help information in a record three days.
To find out more read our Human Anatomy & Physiology Course Review